The replacement looks rather forlorn at the moment at a fraction of the size of the one that's gone. It'll more than earn its keep however as it'll be a far better garden plant than its predecessor and hopefully it's ability to take over new territories will be greatly diminished!
If you can though, it's a great way to deal with at least some of your fallen leaves. You need a rotary mower with a grass box and you'll end up emptying the box about 3-4 times more often than normal. Put the grass box on and set the blades to a fairly high setting, it's very satisfying to do as well, a bit like vacuuming the lawn clean.
The elbow power approach with rake is quieter and gives me some exercise that I just don't get enough of - it's also better for the environment but in my case that is an accidental extra rather than the reason I do it. Armed with a spring tined rake (like in the picture above) sweep across the lawn pulling the leaves together in piles that center in circles the radius of the rake handle plus an arm length wide. It's a good idea to rake from alternate sides, left then right so you don't get too tired too soon or end up like Popeye from one side and Olive Oyl on the other. This method also has the advantage that the lawn gets some degree of scarifying if you didn't do that last month - and the added grass, moss and thatch pulled up adds nitrogen and so helps the leaves to rot down all the better in the way that using the lawnmower to mix clippings does. Don't underestimate the amount of effort this involves, it's a pretty good work out and will need to be repeated a few times before the end of the month.
Step one is to get rid of last years leaves if still have them sitting about - Many people regard a compost heap as somewhere you dump stuff ad infinitum without ever using what is made. If this is you, then the top 1/2 or 1/3rd depending on how old it is will still need to stay where it is to rot down, so lift this off to the side and dig into the rotted stuff underneath (no it's not horrible! stop making excuses) it should be dark and reasonably crumbly. Fork it into a wheelbarrow and spread it on the soil around your plants at least 3 inches deep near the base and for about 6-12" radius from the stem. It will soon get spread around by birds and worms and dragged down into the soil to add to the humous content of the soil. Even better if you feel like it is to fork it lightly into the top 3-4" of soil. Fork back the top part that you moved to the side and set up a second compost heap alongside so it doesn't happen again, this time you'll have a maturing heap and an adding-to heap. The ideal thing to do with fallen leaves is to shred them and compost them properly like you would with any garden waste. Ordinary garden shredders are able to chew the leaves up (which is the best way to get them to rot down) but have a tendency to get clogged if the leaves are wet or if you try to put too much in at any one time. There's a product I came across recently that seems to only be available in the US at the moment that should solve the problem admirably. A shredder but with a nylon-line "blade" like a nylon-line strimmer upside down and in a box. Another possibility that I've heard suggested but not tried (I don't have a strimmer) is to put the leaves in a large garden waste bucket and shred them with an ordinary strimmer - though my guess is that it's one of great in theory, but virtually untried in practise ideas you hear. Cutting leaves at least once helps the decomposers to get in and start to break them down faster. Leaves that are intact are much slower to rot (like they are on the tree). It depends on what volume of leaves you have to deal with, but I try to mix them in with other softer plant material where possible. How fast things rot down depends on a number of factors, one key factor is the carbon:nitrogen ratio of the mix. Tree leaves have more carbon and less nitrogen than is ideal, so adding lawn mowings - a good source of nitrogen, or other green material, weeds are fine, helps redress the balance. You could also add a compost accelerator, though I don't, or pee on the heap regularly, which I do.
The sides of the heap should be closed but ventilated, I use pieces of ply taken from old furniture (chipboard will even do, but only lasts a couple of years before it falls to bits) with 1" diameter holes drilled at 6" intervals. The top should be covered too, very important this, more so than the sides. Otherwise the heap either dries out or gets too wet and cold from rain. If the top can be insulated as well then all the better, old carpet (preferably synthetic so it doesn't rot itself) folded over is ideal. If you really do have vast amounts of leaves, and a paucity of old furniture, then square pens made from a sturdy fence post (2x2" minimum) at each corner with sides of chicken wire are a good way of getting extra capacity quickly. But any of the other tricks you can do that I'm suggesting here will help, you really don't want unrotted leaves sitting around more than one year, when the next lot arrives!
Whatever you do, please don't burn the leaves (unless they're badly diseased) many local councils have recycling schemes for garden waste these days where you can take them.
They need to planted as soon as possible after receiving them, keep the roots moist and covered if this is not immediately possible with damp sacking or similar. Heeling-in in soil is the best solution if there is to be any greater delay than a few days, the trees/shrubs are "planted" at an angle of about 30-45 degrees and have their roots covered. If you have no room to do this, damp sharp sand will do, but needs to be checked for drying out. Planting a bare-rooted tree or shrub is harder work than a container grown plant as the root spread is greater ( =better) so the hole has to be bigger ( =harder work to dig). Mix plenty of organic matter into the soil and make sure the soil is trod down well to avoid air-pockets. A thorough watering helps a lot too, not because the plant will need a drink, but to settle the soil around the roots. Make sure you plant at the right depth, a line of lighter stem colour above the roots should indicate the previous planting depth. Don't try to cut corners by having the plant sticking out a bit, your tree or shrub is likely to be there for decades, surely it's worth an extra 15 minutes of your time at planting to ensure it does as well as possible? Tell yourself it's another 15 minutes worth of "reps" in your own personal gym. Give the tree a good stake to support it initially and make sure the stake is planted well so it supports the tree and not the other way round! The purpose of the stake is to stop the roots from being rocked by the wind until they can establish and anchor themselves. Jobs / Tips
If you really don't have any room to store it under cover, then at least move it off the grass so the legs aren't wet, propped up against the house / shed etc. out of the way will reduce the amount of rain falling on it. A large plastic sheet or purpose-made cover works well too. Plastic garden furniture benefits from a bit of care, keeping it out of the weather will help keep it cleaner. Whatever you do, don't leave furniture on the lawn over the winter, you'll unlikely to move it much and at the very least, the grass under it will be shaded and will suffer.
Stake if necessary to prevent the wind from rocking the roots until the plant gets established. A short stout stake just a foot or two high is better than a tall one that is tied to the tree at 4 or 5 feet above the ground. The point of staking is to prevent wind-rock of the roots.
It's also a useful thing to do with what remains in your compost heaps after the summer to make room for all the autumn leaves and the results of the tidy-up.
New editorials are added every month, back again on the first of December Archive - selected parts of previous year's newsletters from this month Bare Roots and Balls for Winter and Beyond Brrr !!, doesn't
bare thinking about does it? The winter months are the best to plant
trees of all sizes and establish hedges. This is because the plants
have been growing strongly in the field and then are not uprooted
until they are dormant. They have larger stronger root systems than
container grown plants. Hence they are bare-rooted (no soil surrounding
the roots) or root-balled (with a ball of soil intact around the
Hedges Burglar proof - Along a boundary, near a conservatory or a short run near an exposed downstairs window for example. Ornamental plants with plenty of spikes and thorns that effectively deter burglars and intruders.
Laurels -
large leaved evergreens, very lush. Plant at 60cm / 24in intervals What an incredibly warm October we had. The lawn has kept on growing and growing, whereas I'd normally be expecting to give it its last cut for the year sometime last month when it was dry enough, instead I've been mowing it every week as I do through the summer. My summer half hardy plants have been going strong for much longer than normal too, we haven't had a frost in Cambridgeshire to kill anything off directly yet, though various varieties have been flagging and I've removed them as they do so. The Petunias have gone, as have the Lobelias. My bright blue Morning Glory, while still producing flower buds profusely fails to open them properly and they wilt like so many unwanted miniature swirly ice-cream cones. The Geraniums however are hanging on there and still providing a good degree of very welcome late colour. It's making it all the more difficult to make me plant the spring bulbs that I still have to do. Most of them are in now - mainly in containers - but I still have some that need to be planted and I'm determined to get them in instead of like often happens, come the spring I discover a poor neglected bag of some bulbs or other that are doing their best despite being in a plastic bag in the shed - Don't let it happen to you! |
Copyright © Paul Ward 2000 - 2013 |